Pinnacle Energy Ltd

E&P Consultancy


Kevin Sylvester appointed Country Manager JHI Falklands

Jan - Current -

Technical and commercial advisory support for client JHI with offshore licence in Falklands

Jan - Current -
Technical, commercial and finance support to various operating and non-operating companies onshore UK
Sept - Current -
Audit and update of Reservoir model on major N sea Field for UK Operator

Legal and Financial advice for the acquisition of Egdon Resources plc by Heyco International

Oct - Dec -

Technical support for client company with offshore licence in Falkland Islands

Jan - Dec -
Technical, commercial and finance support to various operating and non-operating companies onshore UK
Jan - Dec -
Provided technical support to company acquiring Falkands Licence

Jan - Sep -

Technical support for Horizon Energy in N Sea operated blocks

Jun - Dec -

Screening study for operator of N Sea opportunities in UKCS 33rd Licensing Round

Jan - Dec -
Technical, commercial and finance support to various operating and non-operating companies onshore UK

Technical support to Argos ADF study of the Sea Lion Field, Falklands

Jan - Dec -

Technical and commercial advisory support for client E&P company with offshore licence in Guyana

Jan - Dec -
Technical, commercial and finance support to various operating and non-operating companies onshore UK

Covid impact to new business but pre-Covid clients work load maintained

Jan - Dec -

Technical and commercial advisory support for client E&P company with offshore licence in Guyana

Jan - Current -
Technical, commercial and finance support to various operating and no-operating companies onshore UK
Jan - Dec -
Provided Independent Expert Witness Tribunal (London) testimony and cross examination in ICC Arbitration case for Respondent in offshore West Africa dispute
Jan - Jun -
Technical advisors to UK onshore operators on appraisal and testing in the Weald Basin
May - Oct -
Technical support for Argos Resources N Falklands Basin licence
Jun - Sep -
Sept Technical support to re-evaluation and valuation of onshore UK field
Nov - Dec -
Assembled 35 expert consultants to the Integrated Projects Team of Moyes & Co
Jan - Dec -
TTechnical advisors to UK onshore operators on appraisal and testing in the Weald Basin
Jan - Dec -
developing expert witness services in conjunction with various Accounting & law firms
Jan - Feb -
Technical Evaluation of an exploration opportunity onshore Poland
Jan - Dec -
Legal support to a number of companies awarded onshore UK Licences – bidding agreements, assignments of interest, Joint Operating Agreements etc
Jan - Dec -
Accounting & Finance services for a number of companies
Jan - Dec -
Technical and commercial advisory support for client E&P company with offshore licence in Guyana
Nov -Dec -
Provided Independent Expert Witness Report in ICC Arbitration case for Respondent in offshore West Africa dispute
Jan - Dec -
Technical advisors to UK onshore operators
Jan - Dec -
Developing expert witness services in conjunction with various Accounting & law firms
Jan - Dec -
Legal support to a number of companies awarded onshore UK Licences – bidding agreements, assignments of interest, Joint Operating Agreements etc
Jan - Dec -
Accounting & Finance services for a number of companies
Jan - Dec -
Technical and commercial advisory support for client E&P company with offshore licence in Guyana
Nov -Dec -
Provided technical work in a Technical Resources Audit report  for the farmout of 4 licences in offshore Bahamas
Jan - Dec -
Technical advisors to UK onshore operators
Jan - Dec -
Developing expert witness services in conjunction with various Accounting & law firms
Jan - Jul -
Technical Support to purchase of operator of acreage package onshore UK
Jan - Dec -
Petrophysical support to a Norwegian operator
Jan - Dec -
Legal support to a number of companies awarded onshore UK Licences – bidding agreements, assignments of interest , Joint Operating Agreements etc
Jan -Dec -
Accounting & Finance services for a number of companies
Jun - Dec -
Technical and commercial advisory support in Guyana
Nov - Dec -
Support application for new country entry in N Africa for a European company
Nov - Dec -
Provision of technical support in the preparation and presentation for an exploration license application in N Africa.
Jan - Mar -
Peer review subsurface work on C.N Sea Field for major operator
Jan - present -
Geophysical support for new Onshore UK operator
Jan - present -
Continued financial and tax support for UK offshore company
Feb - Mar -
Prospectivity review of new jurisdiction for UK company leading to acquisition of interest
Jan - year end-
Continued legal support for number of onshore and offshore companies
Jan - year end-
Petrophysical and reservoir modelling work for offshore Norway operator
Jan - Dec -
Technical advisor to onshore UK operators
Mar - Dec -
Establish a new UK based company for a N. American operator
Jul - Dec -
Geophysical interpretation of stranded C. N Sea Fulmar Field
Jul - Aug -
Overview prospectivity report on Falkland Islands
Aug - Dec -
Completed Play Fairway Mapping project across Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea
Jun - Dec -
Phase II Study completed on Mud Volcano Analogue Study in South Caspian Basin
Jan - ...
Provided legal and geotechnical support to Egdon purchase of Alkane Shale gas interests onshore UK
Jan - ...
Reservoir engineering and geotechnical  evaluation of stranded oil field offshore Philippines
Jan - Mar -
Provided technical and management support to 28th UK Offshore Licensing Round leading to several licence applications.


Dec -
Attended PROSPEX London on behalf of 4Gen Energy
Oct -
Reservoir engineering support to onshore UK gas field
Sep - Oct -
Technical support for onshore UK Unconventional Resources Evaluation
Jul -
Argos CPR issued (Pinnacle provided technical input work)
Jun -
September  Provided G&G support to evaluation of offshore Nigerian assets
Apr -
Attended APPEX London on behalf of 4 Gen Energy & Argos Resources
Mar - Dec -
Mud volcano and reserves impact study – South Caspian Basin
Feb - Mar -
Petrophysical work for Offshore Norway Operator
Jan - Dec -

G&G support to Argos Resources, North Falklands Basin

Jan - Dec -
Data analysis for London MMEA Group
Micropalaeo study C North Sea


Oct - Nov - Tunisian E&P corporate sale evaluation
Nov -

Kevin Sylvester has paper “Balakhany IX & X Integrated Studies – Shallow Water Gunashli Field, Caspian Sea” published in AAPG Memoir #95 - “Lacustrine Sandstone Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems 

Aug - Dec - Mud volcano and reserves impact study – South Caspian Basin
Oct - 27th UK Offshore Licensing Round: DECC awarded two blocks to 4Gen Energy and awarded 4 blocks to Unmanned Production Buoy Limited. Pinnacle provided the technical work and application submission documentation for both companies in their successful award of UKCS licences.
Jun -
Farmin evaluation of an offshore Ireland field that would utilise new subsea production technology for small field reserves recovery.
Apr - Jun -
completed onshore UK Field development plans for two separate UK companies.
Apr - Jul -
Provided technical support to two separate companies with the submission of several licence applications in the UKCS 27th Licensing Round & subsequent presentations to DECC.
Mar -
provided the legal support for the sale of the Italian subsidiary of Transunion Petroleum Limited.
Mar -
attended APPEX London to assist US based company with their farmout of their N Spain shale gas acreage.
Feb -

petrophysical study wells offshore Norway for operator.

Feb / Mar -
Attended NAPE in Houston and APPEX in London for Argos Resources farm-out of their North Falklands Basin PL001 licence.


Dec - Expert Witness opinion in UNCITRAL arbitration on two Production Sharing Contracts (PSC's) between an E&P group and the host Government.
Nov 11 -Jul 12 - Complete petrophysical re-evaluation of over 200 wells offshore Netherlands
Oct - Sterling Energy announced a farmin by Murphy into their NTEM offshore Cameroon licence. Pinnacle provided the geological work and assisted in this farmout process.
Sep - Oct - planning for long reach onshore UK exploration well
May - Sep - petrophysical & reservoir engineering support for onshore UK exploration and production company
Apr - -
geological and geophysical work in North Falklands Basin
Jul -
presentation to oil companies and financial analysts as part of Baker Tilly Seminar
Jun -
review development/exploration opportunity covering several areas onshore Italy
Apr - May -
reservoir engineering and petrophsyical study of field offshore Norway
Apr - reservoir engineering & petrophysical study of wells offshore Denmark
Apr -
review potential field acquisition onshore Oman
Feb -
provided geological technical audit on asset sale Inner Moray Firth
Jan -

Pinnacle Energy joins “UK Arbitration Club – Oil & Gas Branch”

Jan -
develop drilling targets onshore UK


Dec -
Review of Central N. Sea asset package of producing fields for potential acquirer involving full geology, geophysics, reservoir engineering and facilities review
Nov -
Technical work and farm-out of a deepwater block West Africa
Nov -
Valuation of indigenous company’s offshore Angola licences
Oct -
Technical work and farm-out of a deepwater block West Africa


Investigation of geothermal potential onshore Western Europe

Sep - Oct -

review producing field onshore Algeria with specific aim of identifying future upside

Jun - Aug-

carry out valuation of the assets of  Volantis Oil & Gas for Atlantic Petroleum leading to their acquisition of Volantis in May 2011.
May - Sep  -

Petrophysical Analysis of wells offshore Denmark

Sep -
Pinnacle Directors present to  University of Colorado Denver Business School Global Energy Management (GEM) Program>
Jul -

Produced Field Development Plan for UK Onshore Gas Field

September - Evaluation of N African Oil Field for purchaser

Jun- Aug -
Valuation of Corporate Acquisition N W Europe for purchaser
Jan-Jun - 
Technical work for clients for UK 26th Onshore Round of Offshore Licensing 


Aug - Oct -
Performed as an Expert Witness regarding a contract dispute with damages at an Arbitration Tribunal in Stockholm Sweden
Jan - Aug -
Provided technical support to farm-out deepwater block West Africa 
Feb  -
Produced Field Development Plan for several onshore West Europe fields
Jan - May -
Assisted in sale of Bow Valley Petroleum to Dana plc
Nov 08 - Aug 09 -
Provide chief negotiator for contract negotiations on third party access to North Sea Platform
May - Aug  -
Petrophysical analysis Central North Sea Field